Tag Archives: CUEE

CUEE 2024 concert

It’s that time of again…the City University Experimental Ensemble end of year concert is upon us! I’ve been leading the ensemble again this year and their final concert will take place next Wednesday 10th April in the Performance Space at City, University of London. It’s a public event, so all are welcome and tickets are free! Come along and hear the students present a programme of improvisation, conduction, a piece by guest artist Sam Andreae – plus there will be a film screening from the Field Recording Ensemble. Register your place on the City events page.

(I’m also pretty happy with my photo collage for this, above, using parts of Sam’s score and some photos of rehearsals/recordings…)

City University Experimental Ensemble

The early part of this year so far has brought a few new things for me, and one of them is an exciting new role as leader of City University Experimental Ensemble (CUEE). I’m running the student group for this Spring term, exploring group improvisation alongside Sharon Gal’s Études. This deck of cards is a ‘set of scores and propositions’ for performance, and is full of provocations, instructions, statements and suggestions (not to mention beautiful colours) that are forming a basis for us to create some new music together.

The first time I worked with CUEE was as a guest artist in 2016, shortly after it was set up by my long-time collaborator Tullis Rennie. The ensemble performed my pieces Off-World and March Of The Egos (I can’t remember who that title refers to…) at IKLECTIK, and the recording was released on vinyl by multi.modal. CUEE have returned to the venue many times since then, and this year’s end of term concert is happening there, at IKLECTIK, on Wednesday 12th April. It should be a great evening of brand new improvised music, alongside the City University Field Recording Ensemble – and you can now reserve a free place at the concert.