Author Archives: cath

November/December 2023: BRÅK returns, MoonMot touring, and more…

A relatively busy Autumn is underway for me, with a few different projects active between now and the end of the year.

MoonMot tours

MoonMot is touring in November (UK) and December (Switzerland) to mark the release of the band’s second album ‘350 Million Herring’ (named after a Brexit-themed Johnny Hunter composition…). We’ll be out and about in the North of England first, then doing a few nights in Switzerland to finish. I’m leaving the band at the end of the year, so these will be my last tours! You can check where to catch us over on my gigs page, and see more about the band on the MoonMot website. Herring artwork below…

BRÅK winter season

Tom, Colin and I are back at waterintobeer starting at the end of November, with lots of great guests joining us for duo improvs. Full list tba, but I’ll be joined by Kate Carr (25th November), Emily Shapiro (16th December) and Andrew Lisle (20th January)…save the dates!

Ripsaw Catfish in Manchester

Also at the end of November, Ripsaw Catfish will ride again, appearing at David Birchall’s excellent Curious Ear series in Manchester. The autumn season is packed full of brilliant artists, so it’s well worth checking out who’s playing over on the Curious Ear site. Anton and I will be doing a guitar and Lyra-8 set for this gig too – a first! Come and hear the results at the Peer Hat, 27th November.

As well as those, I’ll be playing a duo set with Dee at a gig organised by Phil Durrant next week (Friday 3rd November at Hundred Years Gallery – update: I’ve had to pull out of this due to illness) and am looking forward to playing for the first time at the Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses (!) as part of their Avant Garden series, in a trio with Tom Ward and Panos Ghikas (19th November).

And somewhere in there I’ll be working behind the scenes on volume 2 of the Setlist zine!

Zine project: SETLIST

As part of going deeper into printmaking this year, I’ve been working on a DIY publishing project over the summer. The results are available today, and I’m super happy with how it came out!

Setlist is an anthology of words by artists from the worlds of improvised and experimental music. I invited five people to write a four-word provocation/title/agitation/starting point for an improvising group or solo performer, and wrote one myself too. Together they form a handy pocket-sized guide containing what could be the theme for your next improv set, the setlist for your band’s next gig, the lyrics for your new album, the score for your orchestra’s next concert, the text of your next work email…the possibilities are endless. I had a lot of fun thinking about layout and design, and making some incidental artwork for between the micro-texts.

There are contributions from:

David Birchall
Dee Byrne
Kate Carr
Graham Dunning
Anton Hunter
plus one by me.

It’s a 20-page A7 mini-zine, riso-printed in orange ink on recycled paper and card by Footprint Workers Co-op in Leeds. I love Footprint and have worked with them for quite a few years on Sloth Racket posters, flyers, the Organising Space album cover and the companion zine to Dismantle Yourself.

In order to get Setlist out there into the world I’ve started a webshop on Big Cartel. My plan is to populate it with more zines and other print experiments, but in the mean time you can head over there to order your copy of the zine!

Carapace now up on Ripsaw Catfish Bandcamp site

We’ve just published the newest Ripsaw Catfish album, Carapace, on the band’s own BC site. The album came out last year on Raw Tonk, and you can now support the band by grabbing your copy from us direct! See embed below…

I’m also pretty pleased with the new site header I bashed out while uploading the album last night, featuring a very distorted and blown-up part of Colin’s album artwork for Carapace:

Summer duo gigs with Dee Byrne – and TAPE!

This summer Dee and I are playing a cluster of gigs as a duo, in London, Bristol and Antwerp! We’re working on acoustic saxophone improvisations as well as a new electronic version of the duo with me on Lyra-8 synthesiser and Dee processing her sax with effects pedals, which we’ll do at BRÅK for the first time and then record.

24th JuneBRÅK at waterintobeer, Brockley, London

26th JuneCafe Kino, Bristol with Clarkson/Grigg/Hill and Carnivorous Plants

28th JuneFlim Flam at Ryan’s Bar, Stoke Newington, London

25th AugustSummer Bummer Festival in Antwerp, Belgium

To mark the occasion, our 2020 duo album Disembark! is now available as a cassette….you can grab one from Luminous, or from the merch table at one of the gigs. I’m very happy with how these prints came out – most of them are the product of a very hot day in the studio, when my printing got slightly freeform and chaotic, and it’s led to some rad results. Every individual case is different and will be shipped randomly!


Colin Webster Large Ensemble – First Meeting

Out now on Raw Tonk is First Meeting, the debut release from Colin Webster’s new large ensemble. Featuring an array of great improvisers – it’s a pleasure to be a part of it. The recording is from our gig last year at Cafe Oto. Have a listen….

Expanding Fixed Freedoms performance at City

Over the past few months I’ve enjoyed being a part of Expanding Fixed Freedoms, a new project led by Tullis Rennie. Tullis’ solo album Fixed Freedoms was released last year on Matthew Herbert’s label Accidental Jnr Records, part of their Room 2 series focusing on electronic music outside the club mainstream. Now Tullis has assembled a group of additional musicians to add an acoustic element to the original material, and we’ve been working collectively to reimagine the music and sound with a view to creating something new. With Tullis on live electronics, the new group adds Preetha Narayanan on violin, Tara Franks on cello, Dee Byrne on alto saxophone and me on baritone saxophone.

It’s been a really interesting process, culminating this weekend with a performance and recording session. You can hear the music live this Friday 2nd June in the Performance Space at City, University of London: tickets are free and you can reserve your place on the City concerts website, where you’ll also find more information and the event details.

Special edition covers for Sloth Racket albums

I’ve started renting a studio space this year to focus on my printmaking work, which I’m happy to say has been leading to a lot of inky experiments. Up on the Sloth Racket Bandcamp site now are some fresh 2023 covers for a couple of our albums. Both are editions of 10.

May I introduce the Shapeshifters 2023 rhubarb and custard edition

…and the blue eyed monster edition of A Glorious Monster!

More print experiments to follow.