Out today is Setlist 4! The final installment in my Setlist series of mini-zines as tools for improvisation. For this zine we return to the visual realm, with a theme of (miniature) maps. Once again a great bunch of artists said yes to this and have risen to the challenge, so in Setlist 4 you’ll find work by:

Khabat Abas
Sophie Cooper
Hannah McCann
Livia Garcia
Tullis Rennie
Benedict Taylor

All the zines have been printed by the excellent Footprint Workers’ Co-op in Leeds, and this one is no exception. This time I went with a super nice teal ink, and the A7 mini-zines are riso-printed on recycled paper as usual. I’m really pleased with how they came out; the dark teal colour brings a nice high-constrast quality that works great for images – whereas with text-based zines like Setlist 1 and 3 I was able to get away with some light/bright colour inks.

Setlist 4 is available now from my web shop, which I’ve finally given a name: Ink-Paper-Sound. This was the name of the launch event I put together at Cafe Oto for Setlist 3, and I liked it so much I wanted it to stick around.

Although this is the last Setlist zine (probably), Ink-Paper-Sound is just getting started as a project. With that in mind, also out today is ‘A skeleton/some bones’, a double-sided graphic score zine by me! Fold it yourself, or get me to do it, and play the two structures either in booklet form or flat. Here’s my attempt to photograph it, which was actually quite tricky…